Indonesia Cuisine - Typical Food Of Yogyakarta Indonesia

Typical Food Of Yogyakarta Indonesia

there are so many dishes in Indonesia for you tourists or those who like to go to Indonesia you must sing to taste dishes in Indonesia ..
     Here are the dishes you need to taste:...

1. GUDEG (Yogyakarta)

Gudeg is known by the people of Indonesia, especially typical of the city of Yogyakarta. That popularity also made the city of Yogyakarta known as the City of Gudeg. Gudeg is a traditional food made from young jackfruit boiled for hours with coconut sugar and coconut milk. also equipped with a variety of additional spices to make Gudeg sweet and delicious and has a distinctive and delicious taste according to the tastes of the Javanese people in general.
  presentation, Gudeg is usually equipped with white rice, chicken, boiled eggs, tofu or tempeh, and stew from fresh cowhide or better known as sambal krecek. There are several types of Gudeg that are known, namely the type of dry Gudeg and Gudeg wet. Dry gudeg only has a little coconut milk while Gudeg is wet with more coconut milk. The types of Gudeg also affect the taste of Gudeg. usually sweet, Gudeg sometimes also has a spicy taste like that found in the East Java region.

if you visit Indonesia in the area of Yogyakarta, you can stop by the famous gudeg stall which is quite popular in Yogyakarta: 

Gudeg Yu Sum
Jl. Imogiri Timur No.169, Nglebeng, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55191

Gudeg Bang Jo
Perempatan Jejeran, Jejeran, Wonokromo, Pleret, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55791

Recipes GUDEG


1 kg of young jackfruit
5 teak leaves or guava leaves
2 bay leaves
2 cm galangal, flattened
1 stick of lemongrass, flaked
1 L coconut milk
500 ml of water
1 (teaspoon) of salt
5 boiled eggs
¼ free-range chicken

marinated seasoning:

15 shallots cloves
6 garlic cloves
8 candlenuts, roasted
3 (tablespoons) of coriander
135 grams of brown sugar
½ (tablespoons) of salt

1. Smooth onion, garlic, candlenut, coriander, brown sugar, and salt with a little water.

2. Enter young jackfruit, chicken, lemongrass, galangal, bay leaves, fine spices, brown sugar, salt, water and coconut milk. Cover with teak leaves. Cook for 1 hour.
After 30 minutes, add the boiled eggs and coconut milk. Cook for 3 hours.

3. Serve the jackfruit sauce with the coconut milk soup.

that was the typical Indonesian cuisine from Yogyakarta, looking forward to the next cuisine from the Indonesian region which is still much more diverse


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