
Showing posts from April, 2019

Indonesia Cuisine-Jenis Makanan Indonesia

Jenis Makanan Indonesia – Kita pasti tau Negara Indonesia terkenal dengan tempat-tempat wisata yang sangat luar biasa. terbukti banyak tempat wisata atau destinasi di Indonesia yang menjadi lirik an orang asing untuk datang ke indonesia. Tidak hanya tentang tempat wisata , Indonesia dapat di unggulkan di sektor makanan Misalkan seperti saja dalam hal wisata kuliner, Indonesia sangat kaya dengan makanan-makanan yang bisa membuat kita tergiur mencicipinnya. Banyak  makanan khas indonesia yang bisa kamu pilih. Makanan khas indonesia tentunya akan membuat kamu tergiur mencicipinnya, karena banyaknya jenis makanan khas indonesia. Jika kamu berada di Indonesia, tidak ada salahnya jika kamu mencoba resep-resep makanan khas Indonesia. Berikut ini  kumpulan makanan khas indonesia yang wajib kamu cicipi.  Mie Bangka Makanan Indonesia satu ini adalah makanan yang sudah banyak orang ketahui. Mie Bangka termasuk dalam jenis makanan  favorit di Indonesia. Nama  Mi

Indonesia Cuisine - Rendang

Indonesia Cuisine - Rendang Rendang is a spicy meat dish that combines a mixture of various herbs and spices. This dish is obtained from the cooking process which is heated repeatedly with coconut milk. The cooking process can take hours to dry and be solid black. You can taste rendang when you visit in the area below : Jalan Jondul Raya No.2, Rawang, Padang Selatan, Rawang, Padang Sel., Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25123 JL By Pass Simpang Lampu Merah Lubeg, Lubuk Begalung Nan XX, Lubuk Begalung, Lubuk Begalung Nan XX, Lubuk Begalung, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25155 Jl. Mayjend Sutoyo, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55143 Recipe Rendang Ingredients 1 kg of beef, cut into pieces 1.5 L thick coconut milk from 3  Coconut milk 4 (tablespoons) of oil to saute Ground spices : 200 grams of curly red chili 30 grams of red cayenne pepper 13 red onion cloves 7 garlic cloves 3 cm galangal 3 cm of turmeric 3 cm of ginger 2 (stems)

Indonesia Cuisine - Typical Food Of Yogyakarta Indonesia

Typical Food Of Yogyakarta Indonesia there are so many dishes in Indonesia for you tourists or those who like to go to Indonesia you must sing to taste dishes in Indonesia ..        Here are the dishes you need to taste:... 1. GUDEG (Yogyakarta) Gudeg is known by the people of Indonesia, especially typical of the city of Yogyakarta. That popularity also made the city of Yogyakarta known as the City of Gudeg. Gudeg is a traditional food made from young jackfruit boiled for hours with coconut sugar and coconut milk. also equipped with a variety of additional spices to make Gudeg sweet and delicious and has a distinctive and delicious taste according to the tastes of the Javanese people in general.   presentation, Gudeg is usually equipped with white rice, chicken, boiled eggs, tofu or tempeh, and stew from fresh cowhide or better known as sambal krecek. There are several types of Gudeg that are known, namely the type of dry Gudeg and Gudeg wet. Dry gudeg only has a little